Goals for Freelance Success

Goals for Freelance Success

July 17, 20245 min read

Something that really hurts my eyes to read is this: “Freelancing doesn’t work! There are no clients on Upwork!” 

Adam Palmer

You’ve probably heard a variation of that claim. It’s usually written by disgruntled freelancers who have given up. Of course, it’s easy to say something doesn’t work when it hasn’t worked for you. But clearly, it’s working for some freelancers.

The ones who are willing to make it work for them.


Don’t believe me? Then do this:

  1. Go to Upwork.

  2. Search for freelancers in your niche.

  3. Filter for top-rated freelancers who charge high rates.

You’ll see there are plenty of freelancers who make it work for them. So when unsuccessful freelancers say there are no clients…It’s just because the clients aren’t picking them!

Clients care about their money just as much as freelancers do.

  1. They want to hire someone who gives them a good return on their investment.

  2. They want to make more money than they spend: just like freelancers do!

So, to get picked by clients, you have to seem qualified. Not only that, but in a pool of over 50 applicants per job, there will be other qualified freelancers. You have to seem like you’re the most qualified.

So you can be like the freelancers who blame their lack of success on Upwork, the clients, or freelancing in general – anything but themselves, of course. Or you can be one of the winners who don’t have time to complain because they’re too busy to make money from freelancing.

Freelancing Goals

Today's blog post is about freelancing  goals that can bring you closer to success. Setting goals is the first step to turn the invisible into the visible. If you want to build a successful freelance business, you should set goals and work to achieve them. below we share useful tips and goals to achieve the desired success in freelancing.

freelancing goals

Market Research

The purpose of this goal is to understand the current needs of the clients on the online marketplace. You should remember about this step from time to time because the online market is always changing and developing. 

The client requirements tend to change by the time regardless of your profession and service especially when it comes to IT, online marketing, social media and other trendy spheres. 

So, take the time to research the market before submitting new proposals. Try to understand what other skills you can offer to potential clients. At the end of the day ask yourself if you meet market demands and preferences.

Reach Out to New Clients

You may have several good clients you work with for years but it’s the time to refresh your contracts and start looking for new job opportunities. You can always manage your time the way so that you could have spare space for a new client. This will give you the chance to grow, gain more skills and earn more. 

If you think that you don’t have much time for new clients, then I am here to tell you that it’s just an excuse. Instead of looking for excuses, you can, for instance, wake up an hour earlier and spend that time on a new job. Does this make sense? 

So, reach out to new clients, offer services with higher rates, and keep up with more opportunities. 

Profile and Portfolio Development

We always give the advice to update your profile and portfolio as soon as you finish another project. Showcase fresh examples of your work and experience and make your profile more eye-catching with an attractive, up-to-date portfolio. You can use Upwork’s many features to make your profile stand out. 

Attend Networking Events/Take Courses

Set a goal to attend 2 events each month to gain more knowledge and skills. Choose various areas of networking that relate to your current profession and skills. It will help you build confidence and communication skills, which are essential for a successful freelancing career. 

You can take useful online courses in your field or you can start learning something new. For instance, if you are a virtual assistant who has typing, content creation, SMM skills, you can also learn video editing and add it to your profile. 

Or, if you are a project manager, start mastering a new project management tool that will increase your visibility on the market and enhance workflow efficiency. Clients who are looking for multi-skilled freelancers will soon hire you. 

Here are some of the courses that would help you start getting high-end clients and increasing your income 10x. 


Enrich Your Skills

Besides events and courses, you can also use any material to enrich your skills. This is another way of self-improvement. People who love learning, become successful in freelancing and in any business. Expand your service offerings, challenge yourself, evolve, and grow. Because if you don't, you fade. You become stagnant.

Clients are willing to pay to freelancers who are dedicated and up-to-date. They actually like it when the freelancer is well-aware of the latest trends, marketing strategies and up-to-date business rules. 

Increase your Income

One of the best ways to increase your income is by increasing your rate. Whether hourly or fixed price, set a goal to increase your rate up to 20% every 2-3 months. Use this method when applying to new jobs. 

Once you get hired, negotiate with your clients from time to time to see whether they are ready to pay you more for extra work, quality service or skills you put in their business development. Also, look for higher-paying projects.

Time Management 

Manage your time wisely. The biggest mistake most freelancers make when working is referring to their job as if secondary passive income. Mind your overview and start thinking of freelancing as a serious, sustainable job that can bring you more money than your office work. 

You can always earn more if you spend more time on freelancing. So, instead of working 20 hours per week, set a goal to work 30 hours. Soon you’ll realize that you don’t need your office work anymore and freelancing gives you more time, freedom and more income. 

Personal Branding

Who says a freelancer can’t establish themselves as a professional brand? Just refer to yourself as a business and represent your service with a personal branding. You can turn your current status into an agency and create a logo to be recognized by clients. With the help of this trick your profile will look stronger and more professional. 

Final Words

Don’t forget to want the video below where Adam Palmer talks about tips and insights on freelancing. 

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