New Tips for Freelancers

New Tips for Freelancers

July 08, 20242 min read

You are a newbie freelancer on upwork and are failing to win your first job. If this is about you, then you are in the right place. Instead of just giving up, try to adopt a new strategy when submitting proposals. Here we are to help you with some tips and lifeproven hacks that help freelancers succeed on upwork.

Reasons You Fail 

First, let’s understand the main reasons why freelancers fail. Here Adam Palmer, a freelanceking and expert upwork freelancer shares his opinion why freelancers fail. He has reviewed countless Upwork profiles and proposals as a client, and he has always seen the same mistakes being made over and over again.

Check out some of them:

  • No clearly defined niche

  • Headlines don’t say anything

  • Skills that are all over the place

  • Overviews that read like resumes

  • Proposals that don’t show expertise

If you make these mistakes then you should know that you are leaving money on the table and you don’t even give clients the chance to sit at the table. 

new tips

The Solution

So, what should you do to avoid these mistakes and start capturing clients? Clients want freelancers who know what they’re doing and do what they say they’ll do. One thing is clear; optimizing your freelance business is like exercising. You can’t just do it once and expect results. You need to 

  • Update your profile and portfolio from time to time

  • Optimize and stand out

  • Research and target the right jobs

  • Write detailed proposals using keywords

  • Make the client think that you’re not just the best choice, but the only choice

  • Deliver work that makes clients come back to you again and again.

Remember that a good freelance profile can impress a potential client and a well-written proposal can get them to respond to you. Will you be one of the freelancers who thrive while others try to survive?

Summing Up

Don’t forget to watch the video below. Adam Palmer shares some useful tips for Upwork freelancers.

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